Classes of the fields

Fields in the entries of the bibliographic database are attributed one of three classes: required, optional, or ignored. The table in this appendix lists the class of each field in each entry. See also Sect. 2.3.

Table B..1: Classes of the fields.
(R= Required, O= Optional, –= Ignored)

Field article book booklet conferencea inbook incoll.b inproc.c
address O O O O O O
author R R R R R R R
booktitle R R R
chapter R O
crossref O O O O O O
edition O O O
editor O O O O O
howpublished O
journal R
key O O O O O O O
note O O O O O O O
number O O O O O
organisation O O
pages O O O O O
publisher R O R R O
series O O O O O
title R R R
volume O O O O O O
year R R R R R R R
a `conference' is the same as `inproceedings'
b incoll. = incollection
c inproc. = inproceedings

Table B..1: Classes of the fields (continued).
(R= Required, O= Optional, –= Ignored)

Field manual masters.d misc phd.e proc.f tech.g unpubl.h
address O O O O O
author R R R R R R R
edition O
editor O
howpublished O
institution O
key O O O O O O O
note O O O O O O R
number O
organisation O O
publisher O
school R R
series O
title R O R R R
type O O O O O O O
volume O
year R R R R R R R
d masters. = mastersthesis
e phd. = phdthesis
f proc. = proceedings
g tech. = techreport
h unpubl. = unpublished